
Men’s Fellowship

When: TBA

Also we look for opportunities to serve our congregation and community through various projects. Our goal is to reach men IN Christ, reach men FOR Christ, and to leave no man behind.

Feel free to call the church office for more information. We hope to see you there!

Sunday School

When: Every Sunday during service

Sunday School is available for potty trained children ages 4-12 every Sunday after Praise and Worship. Children will be blessed weekly through the Word, occasional crafts, music and fellowship with friends! Our kids are encouraged to grow in the Lord and to discover what God has planned for them in their walk with Him. They are a blessing to our teachers and we are thankful for your trust in us as we work with you to disciple our children in the Kingdom of God.

Your child is on a journey that has the potential of redirecting his or her life—forever. You are an essential part of the discipleship process!

Be involved as much as possible. Pray for and with your child about his or her walk with God and spiritual growth. Take time to discuss each lesson. Talk about what your child learned soon after each lesson. Affirm them when they apply lessons learned to their everyday lives. Genuine compliments from you will go a long way to encourage your child to keep progressing! We know that working together as your child grows in the Lord, you will see its fruit for years to come!

Sunday School starts with Praise with friends and incorporates a variety of activities such as movies or faith based shows, a lesson, and games to bring the Bible to life. Kid's church is for ages 4-12 only and children must be potty trained.

* Please be sure to pick up your child immediately following the conclusion of Sunday services to allow teachers and assistants the opportunity to also fellowship after their cleanup and Sunday service.

Women’s Fellowship

When: Second Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM

Also we look for opportunities to serve our congregation and community through various projects. Our goal is to reach women IN Christ, reach women FOR Christ, and to leave no women behind.

Feel free to call the church office for more information. We hope to see you there!