
Tikkun International

Location: Isreal

God said in His word : "All of Israel shall be saved" (Rom. 11:26). They see the beginning of a revival in Israel and believe that God is fulfilling His word. As they answered God's call to reach the Israelis, they are giving out Bibles, testimony books, tracks, and talking with them about their Messiah Yeshua.

They witness to our families, friends, and strangers wherever and whenever the Holy Spirit leads them. Their ministry is also to be a witness. Where they live is also where the Lord dwells in their midst. It's where they worship, sit at His feel and read His word and where they have fellowship with the Lord every day. Their vision is to have centers in the different sections of Ashdod, including the place where they live, in the heart of the city-to be a place where the spiritually hungry and thirsty can come and eat from the Bread of Life and drink from the well of the Living Water.

A place where God's healing power will heal the sick and deliver people who are bound. A place where they can see worship in Spirit and in Truth. A place that will be a sanctuary filled with His "Sheckiena"-the Presence and the Glory of the Living God that dwells among us. Their vision is for our place to be a Lighthouse for the lost to come to salvation and safety.

Emmaus Way

Location: Isreal

Their call is twofold: to minister to the heart of God and to reach the lost youth of Israel. Their strategy is to gather the Lord's body in Israel and the nations ot come to worship God so that His presence will abide in Israel, to the extend that the light of His Glory would shatter the darkness and release the captives. All the revelation they have received touches down and finds expression in and through the ministry of worship. Emmaus Way exists, first and foremost, to minister to God and to touch His heart. The center in Tel Aviv is a place whre people from the nations can bring an offering, encounter their Father and be changed. It was a place from which prophetic declarations were spoken that affected things on earth.

Gospel for Asia

Location: China

Gospel for Asia is transferring communities through God’s love since 1979. They have been committed to serving the 'least of these' in Asia, often in places where no one else is serving, so they can experience the love of God for the first time. GFA supports national workers serving as the hands and feet of Christ in four main ways. Sponsoring national missionaries to minister to people's needs, sponsoring children, investing in community development and helping families in need of care or during disasters. Through this ministry, we have sent Bibles to unreached populations and built a water well. We currently support a missionary through Gospel for Asia, but due to the nature of his position being in China, we are unable to share his name publicly.

Body of Christ International

Location: India

Our vision for this ministry is to train Christ-like Missionaries and send them all over the nation of India and other parts of the world. To the present day we have trained more than 5,000 Missionaries and sent them all over the nation. In the early days we faced many trials and persecution from the people but through various ministries we presented the Love of Jesus to these people and now the ministries is growing rapidly bringing many people to the marvelous Light of Jesus.

~ Israel Paulose

Impact Ministries International

Richard and Sara Michalski were the directors of Impact Ministries International for 40 years. Since Richard’s passing, his wife Sarah continues to do the work of the Lord while honoring her late husband. They have had the opportunity to travel the world and minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to many nations; seeing thousands saved, healed, and changed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

They have started thousands of churches that have been planted through their evangelistic outreaches.

Richard and Sara have a heart to see God move in miraculous ways, in seeing the demonstration of the Holy Spirit; with healings, salvations, seeing people set free, and other miracles. Their ministry work is primarily in Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Panama, Mexico, and in the states.

Not only do Richard and Sara believe in the 'preaching of the gospel' but understand the heart of God is to 'take care of the widow and the orphan'. Impact Ministries have shipped millions of pounds and dollars worth of medical supplies and humanitarian aid helping thousands of orphans and widows in Eastern Europe and Russia.


SEAPC is a global community established to network individuals from around the globe into one focused goal. We believe that as we go out into the world and ask God to make a way for us to help others find fulfillment through Jesus Christ and purpose in their daily lives that He will honor that and create the channels to accomplish it.

This global community dedicates itself to spending time in communicating through prayer, training leaders, sharing our faith with others, and reaching the needs of children around the world.


Location: Bangladesh

Dr. Stephen Kelley and his wife Stephanie are currently living in Bangladesh. Dr. Stephen is working for the Memorial Christian Hospital as a surgeon. The Memorial Christian Hospital was established in 1959 and was a vision planted among a small band of missionary pioneers. It was a vision to carry the gospel deep into Muslim East Pakistan on the back of compassionate, high quality healthcare. This hospital opened in 1966 and quickly grew to meet the needs of the people. However, some forty years later and with the population reaching 150 million, the facility and infrastructure have progressively become strained to the breaking point. They are in need financially to complete two phases of redoing the hospital. The two phases combined will cost roughly five million dollars. Your faithful giving helps them to continue being a witness unto the Muslim community. On a recent trip to World Outreach, Dr. Stephen Kelley shared with the congregation about the mighty move of God. They have had much success in the community leading Muslims to Christ. Please continue to pray for them and their two children as it is very difficult task to work for God amongst a Muslim Community.


Location: Czech Republic

Roger and Robin Harsh have been working in the Czech Republic since 1991. They met while serving as single missionaries. Both Roger and Robin smuggled Bibles and Christian literature into Central and Europe under Communism during the 1980's, although they never met during that time. But they met for the first time in 1993 and were married in Prague in 1995. They now have two children, Elizabeth and Josiah.

Roger and Robin Harsh are missionaries sent out by Judah Christian Community in Columbus, Ohio. They are working with YWAM in the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe.

Barnabas Ministries

Barnabas Ministries was founded in 1987 by David and Jeanne Wyns. They endeavor to help change the world one leader at a time, by building relationships, offering encouragement and giving support in the form of teaching seminars, ministerial tools and prayer. This is accomplished in the lives of pastors and leaders around the globe, equipping them to better reach their own people.

The founders and directors of Barnabas Ministries, have well over 40 years invested in full time ministry. Their ministry has been focused not only in the USA but also in over 30 nations of the world. Under their leadership the Barnabas Ministries team is making a difference in the lives of leaders across the globe.

Charles Trombley Ministries

Location: Malawi

Dr. Trombley is a teacher and writer with an orphanage in Malawi, Central Africa and runs teaching ministry and missions outreach to the children at Victory Christian Children's Home in Malawi Africa. For more information, you can contact the church office or find this ministry on Facebook.

Breath of Life Ministries


Hope Reigns Christian Ranch

Hope Reins Christian Ranch is nonprofit Christian Ministry located in Show Low, Arizona.

We are a place for children to learn, grow, and heal. Hope Reins Ranch provides a safe place for healing through the work of the Gospel. 

Hope Reins exists to bring the hope of the Gospel to hurting children and their families.

The Soares da Silva Family

Location: Brazil
